VINN Distillery Honey Baijiu Review

Honey Baijiu

Baijiu is a Chinese spirit distilled from grain. VINN Baijiu is made here in Portland, Oregon from rice. Baijiu has a wonderful malty flavor unlike any other white spirit. Traditionally unaged and drank neat there are very few flavored Baijiu spirits.

VINN Honey Baijiu 35% 70 proof, is deep amber in color with a nose that is heavy honey, allspice, and clove with hints of malt and orange blossom.  Taste is sweet and spicy malty cinnamon. Finish is honey, orange, clove and cinnamon.

This liqueur is sweet but not syrupy. The honey and baijiu meld together very well for a sweet malty cinnamon spirit very unique in profile. Certainly an after dinner sipper either neat or with a single ice cube, I can’t wait to see what appears in the way of cocktails.

Coffee Chocolate Tequila Recipe

coffee chocolate tequila

last month we made Chocolate Rum this month we are going to modify the same exact recipe for Tequila. I am using the very tasty Zircon Azul Plata just make sure any tequila you use says 100% Agave on the front, if not it is a blend of tequila and neutral grain spirits with flavorings.

375ml 80 proof Silver/Plata Tequila
One tablespoon of roasted cacao nibs or brewing chocolate mine are from Steelgrass Farms in Kauai
One tablespoon of Instant Coffee I used Mt Hagen the best instant coffee EVER!
100ml agave syrup

In an aging container, combine the tequila and chocolate or instant coffee. Let sit for 14 days, filter and pour back into the aging container. Combine the agave syrup with the tequila in the aging container stirring to combine. Let sit for two more weeks, then bottle.

If you are wondering what coffee tequila tastes like Patron makes XO Café tequila which I feel is underrated and delicious if a bit too sweet for my palette. Both of these flavors work wonderfully together with a warming gosh darn it I feel good feeling at the end. Rich and sweet and flavorful. Make both and try coffee chocolate tequila for an amazing Kahlua twist.

Nocino, Italian Black Walnut Liqueur

Nocino is a sticky dark brown liqueur, which originated from Northern Italy. It is made from unripe green walnuts. A friend of mine said his Italian mother used to make it and passed the recipe on to me.

30 green English walnuts (do not use American black walnuts), early enough in the season so that they are soft enough to cut with a knife.
2 cinnamon sticks
5 whole cloves
1-inch piece of vanilla bean
Zest of one lemon, cut into strips using a vegetable peeler
2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 quart 95% 190 proof grain alcohol, like Everclear. I have also seen recipes that use 80 proof Vodka.

After rinsing and drying the walnuts cut into quarters. Note that they might be a bit difficult to cut, even though the immature shells lining the inside of the green husks should still be quite thin. It's a good idea to wear disposable rubber gloves for this part, or the walnut juice will stain your fingers and nails a yellow color that later turns dark brown.
Place all of your ingredients (except for the simple syrup) in the glass jar and then pour in the Everclear. Close the lid tightly and give the jar a good shake to distribute the ingredients.  Then let it sit in a cool, dark place for 30 to 40 days. You can give it a little shake now and then to redistribute the ingredients.
Store the jar in a cool, dark cupboard.

After 30 to 40 days add simple syrup and shake well. Return jar to a cool, dark place and let sit for another 30 to 60 days. Finally, strain out the solids and your nocino is done. Most people advise letting it sit for about 40 days before adding simple syrup, then letting it sit for at least another 30 days before straining out the solids.

This is one of the few spirits that will continue to age in the bottle, and common wisdom is to wait at least a year, usually two or more. The flavor is wonderful and not anything else you have tried before. Sweet and spicy with an earthy richness that only black walnuts can provide. Make a batch If you want to impress your friends!