Recipe: Pineapple Rum in the Magic Butter Machine

About ten years ago I started experimenting with spirit infusions.  Having just come back from my first trip to Belize, and having sampled many of the excellent local rums, I had rum on my mind.  I found out very quickly that infusing flavors from fruit are not simple.  You can add fruit to any spirit, let it sit for 30 days, and the alcohol will take plenty of flavor out of the fruit, but what is left does not have the full flavor of the fruit.  Many of the sugars and flavors remain trapped.

Enter the Magic Butter Machine.  Let's start with the recipe:


    1-liter white rum (I used Below Deck Silver Rum)
    1/4 pineapple diced
    6 ounces organic pure blue agave nectar

How to:

    Peel the pineapple and dice into cubes.
    Place prepared ingredients into the Magic Butter Machine.
    Select the “Temperature” button and set it at 160ºF then press the “1 Hour/Oil” button.
    Allow the infusion to cool and carefully strain into a container.

Pineapple Rum Magic Butter Machine

You will notice right away how to bright, and colorful the rum is.  When strained, all that is leftover is the fiber from the pineapple, less than an ounce, everything else is worked into the rum.  All that juice and the added sugar make for a Pineapple Rum that tastes like you are drinking pineapple.  Full flavored, bright and sweet.  I drank it on the rocks, and in a Pina Colada, fantastic.

For some variations, I would try an aged rum, dark rum, and different sugars like cane sugar syrup, maple syrup or a touch of molasses.  Think grilled pineapple rum.  Yum!

The Liquorist Blog

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