Bourbon Vanilla Extract Recipe

750ml Bourbon the higher proof, the better
30 Madagascar Bourbon Grade B Vanilla Beans 6 to 7"

bourbon vanilla extract
My recipe is going to be different than most extract recipes in three ways, first, get yourself the best quality highest proof bourbon you can buy. You can buy barrel strength bourbon somewhere around 118 proof; I used Bull Run Barrel Strength Bourbon and Bookers would be great also. Yes, I know this will be expensive, but the higher proof will do a better job of extracting the flavor out of the vanilla. Next, you need a lot of vanilla beans. If you look an Amazon, you should be able to buy a 30 pack around $20.

Split the vanilla beans in half, lengthwise. Scrape out the insides. Put the insides and beans in a
Clean aging container and pour in bourbon so the beans are fully submerged. Put the jar in a dark cupboard and shake it weekly. My last suggestion is to let this sit for at least six months, and a year is even better. The vanilla bean insides are thick and tarry and take time for the alcohol to draw out the flavor.

This will be the brightest and most intense vanilla flavor you have ever tasted. The bourbon flavor melds perfectly with the vanilla in a way only your taste buds will understand.  Wonderful in baking, sauces, anything that could use some vanilla. Put a few drops in any brown spirit and drink it neat, you will be pleasantly surprised.

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